• Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

We believe that all children are successful, competent and capable learners. Our children are provided opportunities to learn and make sense of the world through a play-based curriculum and we aim to instill a desire and curiosity for life long learning.

Early Years Learning Framework

Belonging, Being and Becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework, is an Australian curriculum framework that describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children's learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. Our services use the framework to guide their interactions and experiences with children. The framework has a particular emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication, language, social and emotional development. Discovery uses the framework to maximise each child's potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning.

My Time, Our Place

The My Time, Our Place Framework for School Aged Care, is designed to inspire conversations, improve communication and provide a common language about children's play, leisure and learning. Our services use My Time, Our Place to extend and enrich children's learning in our Outside School Hours Care programs. The framework has a particular emphasis on play and leisure and enables educators to provide opportunities for children to develop life skills, be challenged, and be curious about what is of interest to them, while at the same time developing positive self-identity and social competence.

Nature Play

Our services have a particular emphasis on nature play. The benefits of playing in nature are almost infinite. Spending time in nature keeps children’s minds fresh, and exposes them to varying situations and challenges that develop their resilience and encourages them to adapt their approach to achieve goals. For instance, playing on uneven heights, conditions and surfaces helps children to hone their coordination and balancing skills.

Discovery services promote nature play through our extensive natural outdoor environments and excursions to local bush land, nature reserves and our local beaches. Our yards are designed to allow children to take risks, jump off rocks, roll down grassy hills, climb tress, build with sticks and play without restrictions. Nature play brings out the best in children; it allows them to become risk assessors, develop social skills such as collaboration, improve focus, concentration, self confidence and reduces their stress.

Nature play builds resilience, self-confidence, initiative, creativity and promotes healthy, happy minds. It encourages the joy of movement; it nurtures wild imaginations, experimentation, friendships, social connections and behaviour. Nature play fosters children's innate connection to and appreciation of the natural environment and significantly improves all aspects of child development – physical, cognitive, social and emotional.


Storypark is an interactive, secure, private online community to support children’s learning. You will control who sees posts about your child, who can comment and how you view your child’s learning and engagement. We use Storypark to communicate with families and share information about our educational program, children's learning experiences and their day.

At Discovery we believe it is important to capture and celebrate moments rich with learning and engagement. Partnerships with families are our greatest tool in offering children learning opportunities that meet their needs.