• Commitment to Quality

Commitment to Quality

At Discovery Early Learning Centres, we have an inherent commitment to quality, for your child, your family and our community.

We are dedicated to delivering high quality early learning services for children in secure, nurturing and gently challenging environments. These environments foster relationships, learning, curiosity, exploration and creativity. We believe all children should have the opportunity to imagine, explore and discover.

Our commitment to quality extends to our team of early childhood professionals that are actively engaged in life long learning through professional development opportunities and higher qualifications. This ensures that our programs remain innovative and that we are able to deliver the best possible education and care to your child.


At Discovery we aim to deliver innovative and progressive programs for children that push boundaries and open children's minds. Our environments are designed to enhance children's learning opportunities by providing challenge, developing creativity, enabling children to take risks, fostering collaboration and negotiation skills, and extending on children's relationships through play.

Our services have dedicated buses that allow children to experience regular excursions to local communities, to extend their learning and to enable children to become active citizens.

National Quality Framework

All of our services are assessed and rated against the National Quality Standard and have achieved exceptional results. The National Quality Standard aims to promote safety, health and wellbeing of children with a focus on achieving outcomes through high-quality educational programs. Our services are assessed against seven quality areas by the Education and Care Unit within the Department of Education.

Accredited Programs

Discovery services participate in and are accredited to deliver a number of quality assurance programs such us: Sun Smart, Move Well Eat Well, Be You, Narragunnawali - Reconciliation in Education, Red Nose, Trauma Informed Practice, Inclusion Support, Board Maker and In Safe Hands. These programs further support the provision of best practice and high quality education and care.

Commitment to Child Safety

Discovery Early Learning Centres is committed to an organisation wide culture of child safety and has a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse.

Children in our care are empowered to recognise their rights as individuals as defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to have their dignity and rights respected, to speak up, to be heard, to be kept safe, to be protected and to be taken seriously.

We ensure that our systems and processes protect children from abuse and that allegations are taken seriously and responded to consistently.

Discovery is committed to promoting child safety for ALL children, regardless of their gender, race, religious belief, age, disability, sexual orientation, family or social background.

We will promote and ensure the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and promote a safe environment for all children with a disability.

All adults involved with Discovery have the responsibility to understand and be active in their role in preventing, detecting, responding and reporting any suspicions of child abuse and maintaining a culture of child safety.

A printable version of our commitment to child safety is available here: Child Safety Commitment Statement March 2019

Childsafe logo

Discovery is a Child Safe Organisation and has been audited by ChildSafe to ensure our policies, procedures and practices meet the National Principles and all ten child safe standards. Find out more about ChildSafe on our Connections page.


waranta (we) acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land, the palawa and pakana, and pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging, for they hold the memories, traditions and hopes for future generations. We recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to the oldest continuing cultures on the planet and have nurtured the land on which we learn, play and grow since creation. milaythina nika waranta pakana. As long as we remember them.

Discovery is committed to embedding Aboriginal history and culture in our everyday educational program. Our educators have been trained in the delivery of the Narragunnawali educational program that supports education and care services to develop environments that foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, culture and contributions.

Where possible Discovery acknowledges and uses Aboriginal Tasmanian place names, in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines.

Discovery's Reconciliation Action Plan is available to view here: Discovery Reconciliation Plan Dec 2023 to Dec 2024

A printable version of our commitment to reconciliation is available here: Discovery Reconciliation Commitment Statement Aug 2023

Please enjoy the video below showing how a number of our services have embedded an Acknowledgement of Country into their practice

Giving Back to Community

Discovery supports external services in being sustainable through our Giving Back to Community program. Each service regularly fundraises either in monetary ways, through raising awareness or through the donation of goods; giving back to the community and teaching children to be active community members and socially aware. We are committed to maintaining meaningful links within our communities, we are proud to showcase these links on our Connections page.

Inclusion and Diversity

Discovery is committed to inclusive practices that support inclusion, diversity, and equity.

Discovery provides an inclusive culture where everyone is valued and respected and can fully contribute and participate. We remove barriers to ensure participation by all and to ensure equal access to opportunities.

Discovery honours diversity of all kinds in positive, constructive, and courageous ways.

At Discovery, inclusion is about empowering individuals to contribute their skills and perspectives, enabling everyone to achieve their full potential.

The Discovery community:

  • Creates and promotes inclusive learning and working environments open to differences, welcoming of diversity, intolerant of harassment and discrimination; where all people are treated with respect, fairness, and integrity.
  • Recognises diversity as an asset and strength, acknowledging its potential as a source of vitality, creativity, and growth.
  • Acknowledges equitable practices as key enablers of participation, engagement, and opportunity.
  • Encourages cultural diversity within our educational programs to help develop and enhance children’s understanding of the world around them.
  • Integrates inclusion, diversity and equity into planning and practice, through shared ownership and responsibility.
  • Enables individuals to build the skills and confidence to implement, advocate, and model inclusive practices, assisted by clear policies, procedures, and professional development.
  • Collaborates with external agencies to support inclusive practice; providing resources and adapting environments and routines to facilitate participation for all.
  • Takes all necessary measures to ensure the full enjoyment by all children of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respecting multiple ways of knowing, living, and seeing the world.

A printable version of our commitment to inclusion and diversity is available here: Diversity and Inclusion Statement May 2020


Discovery will actively engage children, families, educators, and the community in developing a sustainable environment which fosters and inspires best practice and emphasises the importance of preparing and empowering individuals to become responsible for contributing to a sustainable future.

Discovery understands that there are three key elements of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic. Discovery is socially and environmentally responsible and committed to operating a sustainable and ethical organisation that embraces diversity and innovation.

We support universal human rights, protect the environment, and benefit the communities in which we work.

Emphasis is placed on empowering all members of our community to become responsible for contributing to a sustainable future and in supporting children to become environmentally and socially responsible.

We educate and engage children in developing an awareness of human activity on environments and the interdependence between land, people, plants, and animals. We model respect and appreciation for the natural environment and support children in developing an appreciation and care of the natural and constructed world.

A printable version of our commitment to sustainability is available here: Sustainability Statement Oct 2020

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Discovery Early Learning is committed to promoting and supporting positive mental health and wellbeing in our communities. Our aim is to ensure that every early learning community is understanding, inclusive and resilient, where every child, staff and family member can realise their best possible mental health and wellbeing.

Discovery promotes and supports the physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing of all children and adults. We support individuals to develop a sense of self and belonging as well as
emotional and social skills to maintain healthy environments.

Discovery supports the people in our communities to flourish and thrive in all aspects of life, through fostering positive emotions, promoting engagement and meaning, championing strong
connections and relationships and celebrating accomplishments.

By supporting and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing we are empowering all children and adults to live life to their full potential.

A printable version of our commitment to mental health and wellbeing is available here: Commitment Statement Mental Health and Wellbeing 2021


Experiences in the early childhood years affect long-term mental health, relationships and learning. Our services participate in the Be You Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative which is part of the National Education Initiative (NEI). Be You is a flexible, whole service framework designed specifically for early education and care services and schools. Children with good mental health have stronger relationships, are better learners, and have a greater chance of long-term success.

The Be You Early Childhood framework:
• informs and supports early childhood education and care practice and quality requirements;
• provides resources, tools and reflective opportunities; and
• connects educators, children, families, management, community and health professionals.

Discovery has been showcased by Be You as an example of how the Be You framework and associated resources can be implemented to support children, educators and the educational program in our services. Here is one example, in a story called Supporting Transitions filmed at our Green Point Early Learning Centre during their vacation care program: