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Path to Wellness Everyday

5 Ways to Wellbeing with Discovery

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body for your overall wellbeing. Like physical fitness, you can strengthen your psychological health in lots of small day-to-day ways. This will help you live a happier and a longer life as well as help you to cope with stress.

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Connection is about developing meaningful and positive relationships - this includes having a range of relationships with those near and dear to you as well as with others in the wider community. "Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be" - Rita Pierson. At Kookaburra Junction OSHC our educators engage in nurturing, reciprocal and respectful relationships with the children. These relationships help children to connect with others, build positive friendships and support children to self-regulate their emotions.

Tracey and Denise from No.34 Aboriginal Health Services recently visited our Ulverstone Centre. Denise welcomed the children with spots of ochre on their faces and read a range of wonderful stories. Tracey set up some inviting art and sensory experiences for the children, and they were invited to engage in flag colour painting, sensory exploration with natural loose parts along with ochre painting. The children connected to country and the history of our ancient land with the nurturing and guidance from Tracey and Denise, with whom we're looking forward to spending lots more time with.

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Be Active

What we do with our bodies has a powerful effect on our mental wellbeing, we're constantly active in our Discovery services - doing things we enjoy like going on excursions and exploring the local areas - these experiences are a great opportunity for us to explore and grow our connection to our natural world and local environment, as well as being a lot of fun!

We play together - sports games, running, climbing and jumping. Whether it's muddy puddles during the wet weather, or rolling in leaves at the Botanical Gardens - we are right beside the children enjoying the benefits of being active and sharing the joy together

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Keep Learning

Although learning is synonymous with childhood and early childhood development, we like to offer opportunities for the children to engage with their world and learn through play and through their interests. “There are three teachers of children: adults, other children, and their physical environment”- Loris Malaguzzi. Recently our Launceston centre shared that their team work together too intentionally and purposefully design the learning environment, encouraging and inviting children to be active participants in their learning. The environment is an integral part of our program and careful consideration is given to the way our learning materials are offered and the team beautifully present these. Our environment reflects the ideas of the children, team and families, as we all work collaboratively together to extend upon already existing knowledge and build new knowledge. Displaying a sense of wonder and curiosity towards these spaces the children actively build upon their communication skills, develop relationships, collaborate, investigate and show an increasing sense of agency.

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Be Aware

5 Ways to Wellbeing states that: "Being aware is a step towards self-awareness. By developing a better connection to ourselves, we are more aware of our needs, values and interests, and the behaviours consistent with them." As adults / teachers / educators we instill the concept of awareness and self-awareness by practicing mindfulness with the children. Be You (mental health learning framework) teaches us that "Mindfulness is about learning to make a conscious and discerning choice where our attention lies, rather than allowing it to be dominated by concerns which take us away from experiencing the present moment. It allows us to stay open, curious and flexible about the moment that we’re in." We encourage activities and opportunities to notice what's around us - what sights, sounds and smells we can notice, this can then extend to what physical sensations we are experiencing at any one time and how we're feeling in each present moment.

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Help Others

"Helping others can give you a sense of purpose and belonging, build friendships and make your community a better place" - 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

On Friday 21st October, Launceston got LOUD to celebrate Loud Shirt Day.Loud Shirt Day aims at bringing people together to wear their loudest clothing and help raise funds to give the gift of sound and speech to deaf children. The team and children donned their brightest clothing and recognized the importance of such a crucial support service The Shepherd Centre brings in supporting families across Australia.

"Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver, and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging" Deepak Chopra. Burnie Discovery Early Learning Centre's educators volunteered their time recently to ensure children and families had a space to play, engage and relax before or after participating in the Burnie 3 2 1 Go community event. Supporting community events builds a community rich in culture, diversity and inclusion.